Monday, March 11, 2013

From the Chairman

I have gone over the outline submitted by Delegate Tape and I am loathe to post any objections.

Yes, my original idea was to allow only one active motion at a time, and to shut down comments on other topics when a motion is either being debated or voted upon.

But I am not going to impose my ideas on the Committee. I am sure that when you have the caucus forums up and running according to your best consensus, you will still learn through experience what works and what doesn't, what is used by the delegates and what they ignore.

I am not as good at planning as I am at learning from my mistakes.

If, when the forums are in place, I perceive improvements that may be needed, I will make recommendations or suggestions. It will be for the Committee to decide whether changes are needed.

1 comment:

  1. I thank the Chairman for his clarifying remarks. We now have four posts regarding the issue of the form our forum should take.

    This discussion will continue, merging the discussion into the post containing the outline by Delegate Tape.
